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Garima Sharma 07-19-2014 12:50 PM

SEO Tips & Techniques
SEO sources can be reliable, there’s also a lot of false information about SEO Tips and techniques.

1. Commit yourself to the process.
2. Be patient.
3. Ask a lot of questions when hiring an SEO company.
4. Become a student of SEO.
5. Have web analytics in place at the start.
6. Build a great web site.
7. Include a site map page.
8. Make SEO-friendly URLs.
9. Do keyword research at the start of the project.
10. Open up a PPC account.
11. Use a unique and relevant title and meta description on every page.
12. Write for users first.
13. Create great, unique content.
14. Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally.
15. Build links intelligently.
16. Use press releases wisely.
17. Start a blog and participate with other related blogs.
18. Use social media marketing wisely.
19. Take advantage of local search opportunities.
20. Take advantage of the tools the search engines give you. Sign up for Google Webmaster Central, Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo Site Explorer to learn more about how the search engines see your site, including how many inbound links they’re aware of.

Bangalorewebzone 06-06-2015 12:22 PM

its very informative message i agree that..

sonia sharma 08-27-2015 11:27 AM

Very Useful information Thankyou for sharing.

AmitSood 10-26-2015 10:33 AM

This is really very useful tutorials for getting knowledge about SEO .Thanks for sharing this useful topic

Sanie Gray 02-02-2016 10:42 AM

You really provide a great knowledge about seo..thanks:)

Daljeet 02-02-2016 11:28 AM

Thanks Garima for sharing this information.. :)

alka 04-06-2016 12:54 PM

You can also try this tip Diversify your traffic sources.

sangeetanegi 04-09-2016 12:12 PM

Thanks Garima, sharing for this tips.

aarohi 01-14-2017 07:55 AM

Above information is quite informative SEO tips and techniques but Guest blogging became so popular in today's time, it is one of the best ways to secure your blogs for future and also best effective ways to establish guest blog links that means backlinks for your post.

sapnathakur 01-30-2017 01:14 PM

Thanks for sharing such informative discussion with us. Blogger Outreach is a best strategy to get links for brands. Blogger Outreach can be a linking gold mine for brands to make exposure of there product and services– just take the time to plan.

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