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Dianka 10-03-2013 04:17 AM

Which is better?
Here are the top 3 emailing services;

1) Gmail

2) Yahoo!

3) Hotmail

which is better and why ?

Russell 01-09-2014 11:57 AM

According to me Gmail is best of all.Because it's show u all latest update .

Sameer Shoakat 03-14-2014 11:09 AM

HI Friends,
I personally prefer to Gmail because gmail is to quick and fast show the all updates, so Gmail than batter Yahoo and hotmail

Bhupender Pal 03-15-2014 04:29 AM

Hello Friends !!
Well gmail is the best because it has some extra features which is most widely used by the users but yahoo doesn't have.

Garima Sharma 05-10-2014 12:35 PM

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial. And I agree with you Bhupender that gmail is best option for that.

ArielleJoseph22 06-20-2014 12:42 PM

Dear friends there’s no doubt that is cooler than Gmail or Yahoo! Mail. But you know what? Gmail is way ahead of any other e-mail service when it comes to productivity. I’m using Gmail ever since they launched as an invite-only beta release and it’s Gmail and not Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail that redefined the way I use an e-mail service.

diyadeep19 06-21-2014 04:44 AM

Gmail is better than yahoo or hotmail. Because its is very simple to use and have extra features as compared to yahoo or hotmail.

AditiArora 09-02-2014 12:04 PM

Even I also Prefer Gmail more than Yahoo and Hotmail.As it is very user friendly even a newbie for computers can easily access it.

RajeshSingh 10-22-2014 07:08 AM

I go with Gmail because its fast and easy to use and one thing more i'm personally using Gmail ;)

sonia sharma 08-10-2015 04:57 AM

In my opinion Gmail is better than other two.
I prefer to use Gmail Because of simple features.

alka 11-26-2015 12:08 PM

According to me Gmail is best because it provides more services than any of the three.

MiniGupta 12-01-2015 10:11 AM

As per my opinion G-mail is best at every feature. It is quite user friendly as well.

AmitSood 12-01-2015 12:54 PM

Gmail is one of the best emailing service to use as compared to other as it is easy and fast with simple features

neharani 12-02-2015 12:59 PM

Hello Guys

I think Gmail is better than both Yahoo and Hotamail because there is limit in sending email from Yahoo and Hotmail. After making an account on both these email services, I am not happy at all. So I will go with Gmail, this is best email service provider.

jatindersingh 02-20-2016 05:43 AM

Gmail service better than other mail service. gmail is fast and easy use your account

Shilparana 02-20-2016 11:52 AM

Gmail is better then other emailing services. Because Gmail is very easy to use and also with extra features as comapare other emailing services.

sangeetanegi 02-27-2016 10:14 AM

Gmail is the best email services provide with simple features.

Daljeet 02-29-2016 04:55 AM

I think Gmail is better because this is fast and show the all updates.

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