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joshpe 11-08-2008 03:44 AM

What is difference between site map and Google site map
Hi, all of you. I have few problem about difference between site map and Google site map. So any body please explain me in right way with example.

Please help me

lbsurg 11-20-2008 03:44 PM

A site map is essentially links displayed as a hierarchal visual model that will provide an overview of a website and the pages in contains within. A google site map is just a site map for google. I hope this was helpful.

neha 11-19-2009 04:55 AM

A Sitemap is an HTML page that lists links (URLs) to all the different pages in a website, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. A Sitemap page will help your visitors to better navigate within your own website. Sitemaps are beneficial in cases when it is difficult for users to access all areas of a website through the browse-able interface.

A Sitemap Page is especially important if a website uses Macromedia Flash or Java Script menus that do not include html links.
The Google Sitemap allows webmasters to inform search engines about URLs on their website that are available for crawling. The Google Sitemap is actually an XML file that lists the URLs for a site using the Google Sitemap Protocol. The protocol was written to be highly scalable so it can accommodate sites of any size.

Sitemaps are beneficial in cases when it is difficult for users to access all areas of a website through the browse-able interface. For example, any site where certain pages are only accessible via a search form would benefit from creating a Google Sitemap and submitting it to search engines.:)

emily12 12-17-2009 06:48 AM

Hello to all
Deference between site map and google site map Google is lazy. OK, maybe not lazy, but at least efficient, meaning, because it must crawl 8 billion web pages daily, it wants to do it as effectively as possible. That means, its preferred method of crawling is to be able to find every page on a site within 2 leaps. A site that is set up to allow Google to crawl efficiently is considered to have flat architecture and gets deeper full site crawls more often than one that is not structured this way. I mean think about it, Google uses common sense. If a reader would have a hard time finding a post that is 5 or 6 pages deep, Google thinks, "well, since a user would have a problem finding this link, it must not be important and I shouldn't bother crawling it." Starting to see the importance of creating flat architecture for your real estate blog?

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