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mike525 07-30-2010 05:25 AM

PPC ads and SEO
PPC can provide you good traffic which can maintain your sales while doing natural SEO, Organic SEO is long term deal

Brown Dan 08-16-2013 06:42 AM

But majority of users use search engines to access information from good quality of content and links and optimizing websites on search engine is the technique of SEO.

Auto Helpus

Adona 09-17-2013 11:31 AM

Can you tell me that what is the main difference between PPC and SEO.

Dianka 09-18-2013 05:44 AM

PPC is a fast way to get advertised in Google. By setting up an account at you can choose the keywords you would like to appear for and set your daily budgets. This process can be completed within about 15 minutes and your ads live within an hour.

SEO (if done correctly) takes a minimum of three months to start showing positive results. The reason for this is that SEO is the process of developing a relationship with Google, built on trust. Google has to be able to trust your website and understand the relevancy your website has to the keywords you are targeting. This relationship cannot be forced, and will grow naturally over time.

search engine optimisation packages

Adona 09-24-2013 12:06 PM

Thank you for giving me this information.

Russell 01-09-2014 12:08 PM

PPC mean Pay per click is that a advertisement & SEO is a search engine optimization by this we promote or be advertise our site on google.

Priyanka 09-14-2015 05:41 AM

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and campaigns are the primary way of advertising on the internet.
SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results.

sonia sharma 10-26-2015 05:15 AM

The main and tthe most important difference between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) is that traffic coming from SEO is free while traffic generated from PPC is not free. This is also the reason why you may sometimes see the terms organic search engine listings and paid search engine listings.

Daljeet 10-26-2015 07:07 AM

Thanks for the great post,Now the organic SEO is very much in demand.

alka 06-16-2016 12:53 PM

The main difference between SEO and PPC ads is that traffic coming from SEO is free while traffic generated from PPC ads is not free.

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