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Garima Sharma 05-21-2014 12:24 PM

What you understand by Google Penguin Update?
Google launched the Penguin Update in 2012 for catching spamming its search results,and When a new Penguin Update is released, sites that have taken action to remove bad links . And by this algorithm update or a penalty they've lost a lot of organic traffic, so they immediately think that a search engine change is to blame. Unfortunately, it's situations where SEOs are using algorithm updates such as Panda or Penguin as explanations for organic traffic drops. Because clients may not understand the technical nature of SEO, vendors can often hide behind excuses of algorithm updates or past penalties as the reasons for traffic drops.

Bhupender Pal 05-22-2014 05:26 AM

Oh and I often heard about this penguin but i was not known about this.
Now i came to know this is a google algorithm used for catching spamms.
All right. Thanks for this post.
Anyway but i also heard about the new google algorithm named as Monkey. Is that so?

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