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sonia sharma 10-30-2015 05:29 AM

What the term SEM means??
Tell me What is the meaning of SEM and what is its importance in SEO.

Daljeet 10-30-2015 06:42 AM

It stands for search engine marketing.its type of Internet is broader term than SEO.

MiniGupta 10-30-2015 07:31 AM

Search Engine Marketing is a type of Internet marketing associated with the researching, submitting and positioning of a website within search engines.

AmitSood 10-30-2015 10:58 AM

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result

Priyanka 11-03-2015 11:58 AM

Search Engine Marketing is the process of gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines.

Neha Chandaliya 11-03-2015 12:41 PM

SEM is a type of Internet marketing associated with the researching, and positioning of a website.

alka 01-04-2016 12:51 PM

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.

sapnathakur 01-05-2016 12:47 PM

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) SEM involves things- like keyword research, competitive analysis, SEO etc.

sangeetanegi 01-06-2016 09:51 AM

SEM is a type of Internet marketing associated with the researching, submitting and positioning of a website within search engines to achieve maximum visibility or organic traffic referrals from search engines.

Shilparana 01-14-2016 06:45 AM

search engine marketing is what SEM stands for which helps in making a website more visible and generate traffic

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