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jagan 03-07-2006 05:30 AM

Fluctuations with Google Rankings ?
I am reviewing google keyword ranking from last 2 weeks (after Big Daddy update) and i have idea that google has still not fixed it. There are fluctuation in search engine ranking results.

Sometimes it comes in top 10 results and sometimes it goes in 100 results. Its happening regularly. One more point is that google results are not coming as quality results. I think there is some algo change, and in new algo, he is giving much weight to only popular pages based on some points. I would like to take your views on this Big Daddy update

Paz 03-07-2006 09:03 AM


I'm seeing exactly the same fluctuations on my sites too, not only in ranking but also in the number of pages indexed. Also I'm seeing frequent backlink changes too, which is unusual for Google.

I heard that Matt Cutts said that the Big Daddy update would continue for another 6 weeks!!


megri 03-07-2006 02:22 PM

6 Week long time what Google is trying to prove.

jagan 03-14-2006 05:30 PM

From last one week, i am checking that results are stable!

Paz 03-14-2006 09:32 PM

LOL.... for me it's totally unstable....

This morning there was definitely a PR update too....

I know it's not been a few weeks since the last PR update, and we're not expecting another one for a month or two - but I saw a few of my sites gain PR they've never had before. That suggests a PR update and not a rollback.

We'll see!


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