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amankaur 02-28-2014 05:41 AM

Google update new algorithm.
Google search is the most-used search engine on the world wide web. Every year Google changes its algorithm around 500-600 times. Google refresh their page layout algorithm. Algorithm are the computer processes and formulas that take your question and turn them into answer. Google search a new algorithm named Hummingbird. It is designed to be more precise and provide faster query results. The Hummingbird algorithm based on semantic search. Hummingbird algorithm actually effects of 90% of all searchers . Hummingbird allows the Google search engine to better do its job.

isha 02-28-2014 11:04 AM

Google has a new search algorithm, it uses the system to sort through all the information it has when you search and come back with answers. Hummingbird’s algorithm that Google is using know a days, it prefers to give better result in a short period of time. This algorithm mainly focuses on the relevant meaning behind the words. This algorithm is paying more attention to each word in query ensuring that the whole query.

nikhil 02-28-2014 11:42 AM

2014 will be the year of mobile SEO. It was just small visible of a very large iceberg as Google struggles to respond to the rapidly shifting landscape which half of all-Americans own Smartphone’s and at least one-third own tablets.

ArielleJoseph22 06-26-2014 12:27 PM

Really this is very informative.

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