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Vic98 12-14-2006 08:14 PM

Search engine / Directory
What is the actual difference between a search engine and a directory?

pakistanboy 09-08-2009 05:44 AM

Google and yahoo are the famous search engine but Google have many more services. Such as Google map, chat server, video survillence.

Thank You,
Pakistan Boy,

Russell 09-19-2013 10:49 AM

A web search tool, for example Yahoo or Google, is an online device that helps clients of the World Wide Web uncover the locales and data they're searching for. Generally web indexes utilization computerized projects to search for significant data dependent upon pivotal words entered by the client.

Educational Blog

Brown Dan 09-21-2013 07:38 AM

Search engine is a tool to find and locate sites and web pages whereas web directory is a catalog in which information (web pages) is stored according to their categories.

Secondly Internet Blog

Adona 01-14-2014 11:25 AM

A online look for motor makes use of robots to index websites; while a listing uses human publishers to list sites. They are two different types of look for services that are often incorrectly confused with one another. Another difference between a online look for motor and a listing is that directories use people to personally add sites to their database.

nikhil 02-14-2014 08:05 AM

A search Engine uses a program (or “spider”) that crawls through all the pages it comes across. Words on all those pages are analyzes and stored. When a searcher queries the search engine, the engine applies an algorithm to determine relevancy, searches its databases, and returns those documents in which the words are found. Alta Vista is a search engine. A directory is compiled by human beings. The human “editor” review listings, determine what they are about, and list them in an appropriate category, along with what they believe. Open directory project is a directory.

Garima Sharma 02-14-2014 01:11 PM

Simple interesting and very well written.I really liked what you have written.Thanks for sharing such great article on seo.Keep sharing in future too.

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