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smith 06-15-2006 12:48 PM

Sandbox problem

i want to know about the sandbox theory. Why site goes in sandbox and if our site goes to sandbox then what steps to do to overcome this problem. Please give me steps to follow

etech-racheal 06-17-2006 11:14 AM

Generally new sites are kept in sandbox, in which google bot crawl your site, gathers backlinks but does not come in search results for appropriate keywords. Sandbox is for some period of time. So after some period of time site will be out of sandbox. When your site come in search results for appropriate keywords then it is clear that your site is out of sandbox.

megri 06-19-2006 11:14 AM

That is an argument that can be made in favor of Thurow's comments as noted on the SEOmoz blog in a recent post:

There is no such thing as a Google Sandbox. It's one of those terms
that self-proclaimed search engine "experts" came up with to explain why their methodologies don't work.

Michael Martinez, who posted Thurow's comments as they appeared on LED Digest, agrees with Thurow and Mike Grehan that the Sandbox per se does not exist:

I don't believe that Google intentionally sandboxes all new Web sites. I do believe that Google has admitted, more than once now, that there is an unexpected effect that they sort of like and have no desire to alter.

The effect requires you to work harder.

megri 06-19-2006 11:16 AM

If you have new site and you make naturel link building you will not be in sandbox

jagan 06-19-2006 11:47 AM

As i think there is not theory like SANDBOX and it is the term created by webmasters themselves

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