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Ankur Kalotra 06-01-2015 12:24 PM

what is forum Posting in seo
Forum posting is similar to article submissions but some important between their submission. Both types of content need to be published on websites relevant for the topic of the content. With SEO articles, you need to find the most popular article directories, used by the highest number of people interested in what you are doing, while in the case of forum posts, you need to find the forum communities that take the most interest in your niche. If you are a company that provides IT support, it would be useless to publish entries on forums reserved for health care topics, but if you choose an authoritative forum in the niche to post articles, you will not only be able to reach out to more people, but you will also increase the number of valuable backlinks generated for your website.

AmitSood 10-31-2015 11:22 AM

Useful information to get knowledge about Forum Posting in SEO. Thanks Ankur for sharing these details

MiniGupta 11-02-2015 08:28 AM

Forum posting definitely helps to boost your ranking. Here are some key points you must remember while doing forum posting for your website:

- Post on related Forums only
- Choose Proper Title
- Proper Insertion of Keywords

Once you start focusing on the above mentioned points, your forum posting will get you Sureshot SEO results.

Neha Chandaliya 11-02-2015 10:04 AM

Forum posts are becoming a more and popular way of increasing the page ranking of company websites.

alka 12-07-2015 12:10 PM

Forum posting is similar to online article submissions, with a few major differences, though. Let’s start with the similarities between the two methods:
– Both SEO articles published on directories and forum posts involve the creation of content with the triple objective of providing help with a problem frequently encountered by your audience, of directing targeted traffic towards your own website and improving the position of your site on search engine results pages.
– Both types of content need to be structured around carefully chosen keywords and provide relevant information. Articles and forum posts need to have relevant titles and they need to address a specific problem encountered by those interested in your area of activity or niche.

sangeetanegi 12-19-2015 12:41 PM

Useful information to get knowledge about seo. A increasing the page ranking of company websites.

sapnathakur 12-19-2015 12:55 PM

Thanks Ankur! for sharing this post with us. Keep sharing.

AditiArora 01-25-2016 12:48 PM

Forum is basically a way of discussion on any particular topic and it is good away to grab knowledge as in this different peple will reply of query or even you can take initiative for answer of anyone questions.

Daljeet 01-27-2016 09:05 AM

Thanks for sharing this post.Really this is very informative post...

jatindersingh 03-10-2016 04:37 AM

thanks for sharing :)

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