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superseo 02-02-2006 06:01 AM

Search Algorithms

Can you please tell whats the basic difference between Search engine algos of Yahoo, Google and MSN.


Paz 02-24-2006 08:42 AM


they are very different search engines but they all like backlinks.

Google is the most sophisticated, and looks at the quality and relevance of your backlinks and the anchor text too. Some backlinks they ignore...

MSN and yahoo count all backlinks, and also like slightly higher keyword density.

MSN is the quickest to get indexed and rank in, yahoo the slowest to index. Google indexes quite quickly but it can take a year to rank for some (new) sites.

The other big difference is the traffic they bring. Google brings a LOT more traffic than yahoo, which brings in more traffic than MSN...


nameeta 02-24-2006 01:07 PM

Welcome to the forum Paz.Thanks for explanations.

megri 02-24-2006 02:53 PM

Paz well explained I appreciate your knowledge on various search engine algo.

jagan 02-24-2006 04:22 PM

Really like the information! But is there any specific reasons that MSN ranks and index the websites very soon ?

I have seen that when i do SEO for google, it ranks very high in MSN

Paz 02-25-2006 06:16 AM


That's two questions I guess. MSN likes fresh content: that's clear. In my opinion, because they've decided that people want the latest, newest pages, and they give extra "points" to web sites that frequently have new (and relevant) pages. Try looking for information on a hot topic; some news headline or something, and you'll see that most of the time, MSN picks it up first.

The other question is "why is MSN so kind to people who do SEO on their sites?".

It's easy to rank in MSN, because they like websites that are made with some sort of systematic logic, which an SEO does automatically.

That means a good <Title>, good meta tags, heading tags <h1> etc. and informative anchor text for internal links.

By "informative" anchor text, I mean on your website you shouldn't use index, but instead use Blue Widgets and so on.

Yahoo likes many of these things too, and I always think that if you rank well in MSN, you will eventually rank well in Yahoo too.


jagan 02-25-2006 02:51 PM

Thanks! nice information!

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