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user007 10-07-2006 11:07 AM

mycompanyname and search sites
Hi I have a question,

I am selling some stuff over the ebay and and
one of the problem customer try to ruin my reputation at ebay and write to some forums about that and etc ...

and also he informs the other buyer to visit those sites or search google to know about me ... at the same time when you search my company name ( at google and yahoo ) and etc .. those forums sites are coming out ..

so I am bothered too much about it and I do not like it .. can some one help me to give some idea about how to ..

when I search on google or yahoo..... by writing " ebay mycompanyname "

I would like to the result come out at the first 2 pages different info .. after that maybe those forum sites ...

is that possible ?

and is it easy for a beginner ?

thanks for your help


jagan 10-10-2006 07:28 AM

Those forums are ranked by google so you can not do anything with those except making a request to the owner of the forum to remove those threads...

Or you can optimize your website in such a way that you get your own website results whensome one searches your company

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