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real_estate 08-11-2006 10:17 AM

Google,Yahoo,MSN:-Flash Content
Hi there,
Does Google, Yahoo and MSN index Flash content?

megri 08-11-2006 03:14 PM


"Yes, Google can parse through the text contained within a .swf file and present that information in a Google search. But due to the fact that an entire website can be contained in a single .swf file, whereas a traditional HTML site may consist of hundreds of individual pages, the weightings and rankings given to certain pages may not be accurately portrayed in Google's results. In other words, a site that might have one page talking about Subject X, and a separate page talking about Subject Y... if a qualitatively better (in terms of actual content relevancy) site were created in Flash and everything was contained one .swf, a Google search for Subject X might rank the individual HTML page higher than the actually better .swf-based page.

real_estate 08-17-2006 11:18 AM

Thanks Megri

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