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megri 03-21-2013 08:26 PM

Is 2% Good Enough? The Relationship of CTR & Ad Position
Everyone always asks me, “What’s a good click-through rate?” The standard answer I always hear is 2%. My answer is always, it depends.

If you don’t want your Quality Scores to suffer, you need to think twice about always targeting a 2% CTR. Quality Scores are very dependent on your CTR by Average Position, so it’s worth getting a good understanding of what this means.

So, what does it mean? People will usually click on the top ad of a SERP (search engine results page), because, well, it’s the first thing that they see. Position 1 will always have a high CTR, and CTR will continue to descend naturally in positions 2, 3, 4 and so on. This being the case, Google knows that position 1 and position 4 are not created equal, and therefore does not treat them equally...

Brown Dan 08-16-2013 06:57 AM

yes i agree with you. definitely there is a big difference between 1 position and 4 position. Its human nature everyone knows and remember the name who stood 1st and even forgot who is 2nd .

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