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Priyanka 10-13-2015 12:41 PM

Organic vs. paid results
What's the difference between organic vs. paid results?

AditiArora 10-15-2015 12:49 PM

When we search something in search engine it give results in two types organic and paid results. Organic search results are the Web page listings that are very close with the keyword which is searched Paid results are mostly advertisements in this Web site owners have paid to display it's website on some keyword and when that particular keywords are searched then that website will be dispalyed.

sonia sharma 10-19-2015 04:20 AM

Organic search results are those search results which comes from the algorithm that are used by the search engine and paid results are just that links that comes from advertising dollars being spent to place them on the results page.

alka 12-24-2015 11:58 AM

Organic search results are the Web page listings that most closely match the user’s search query based on relevance. Also called “natural” search results, ranking high in the organic results is what SEO is all about.
Paid results are basically the Web site owners have paid to have their Web pages display for certain keywords, so these listings show up when someone runs a search query containing those keywords.

Rajni Verma 03-05-2016 10:03 AM

Rajni Verma
yes it is true that discussed so far but is there any other difference between these two ?

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