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megri 03-23-2008 05:19 PM

Microsoft-Yahoo has no chance against Google
Microsoft is betting that a buyout of Yahoo will help in its battle against Google, but a new search report shows that's purely wishful thinking. Google continues to gain market share, while both Yahoo and Microsoft lose ground. Microsoft needs to learn that adding together two negatives doesn't equal a positive.
comScore just released the results of its February 2008 search engine survey, and for Microsoft, the results aren't pretty. Microsoft's share of search dropped from 9.8% in January to 9.6% in February. Yahoo took an even larger dip, from 22.2% to 21.6%. That means the combined Microsoft-Yahoo share dropped from 32% to 31.2%, a drop of .8%. ance_against_google

marshtric 03-03-2009 09:34 AM

Microsoft is trying hard to get the bussiness from google occupying yahoo but the real thing is..if google try to get yahoo what is the position of microsoft

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