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Dianka 09-18-2013 05:49 AM

What is the role of PPC in SEO?

search engine optimisation packages

Russell 01-09-2014 12:10 PM

PPC has a better conversion rate. It's true that PPC converts slightly higher than SEO in a keyword-to-keyword comparison. But 88% of the traffic comes from SEO and 12% from PPC.
• PPC is easier to customize. Search engines have more controls on what can and can't be included in a paid search ad. Best practices aside, an SEO can make a title tag say whatever they want.

Bhupender Pal 03-13-2014 05:17 AM

Thanks for the sharing. Now i got the difference .

nisha 09-09-2014 11:42 AM

PPC advertising, also known as “Paid Search” or “Search Engine Marketing (SEM)”, is the process of paying for advertising on sites and search engines but the advertiser is not charged unless someone clicks on an ad. Most often (but not always) PPC is an auction where you compete for position against other advertisers.

PPC can allow for much quicker wins in visibility or conversions for advertisers whereas SEO is a long term effort of building a community to help your organic presence. While it can take a long time to rank #1 organically on search engine results pages via SEO, advertisers can use PPC ads to appear above organic or SEO results, seen in red in the image above, within minutes of opening an advertising account.

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