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megri 03-29-2013 08:38 PM

Storify goes VIP
If you're a major user of Storify, our VIP program has everything you've been asking for.

Storify users with large distribution needs can now take advantage of an enterprise-level offering full of features you'll love:
Real-time updates: We'll provide the infrastructure to enable dynamic, live updating of stories (ideal for live-blogging major news and events)
Custom story display: Full CSS styling options for your story embeds and unrestricted API access for total flexibility in how Storify works with your site
Enterprise-level support: Storify VIPs have access to priority technical support via email or phone, plus their partnership gets an enhanced Service Level Agreement
Custom media sources: Enhance stories using your own content, including site info like posts, photos or comments, easily by creating a custom source in Storify
Private stories: Share stories privately within your organization
(To be clear, the regular version of Storify we all know and love will remain free as always and we have no plans to eliminate that part of our service. If you're not in need of a full VIP package, we've got you covered and are also working on other premium options to be announced soon!)

For more information, please read our blog post about the news. You can also see more information about the VIP program at and email us about it at

WordPress VIP
Meanwhile, we're also thrilled to announce that Storify is now a technology partner with WordPress on their VIP platform! If you're a WordPress VIP user, be sure to read more details about this here.

As always, thanks for your stories and support.

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