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Bhupender Pal 03-31-2014 05:06 AM

What is Bidding and is it related to SEO ?
According to me bidding is an offer (often competitive) of setting a price one is willing to pay for something or a demand that something be done. A price offer is called a bid. The term may be used in context of auctions, stock exchange, card games, or real estate. Bidding is used by various economic niche for determining the demand and hence the value of the article or property, in today's world of advance technology, Internet is one of the most favorite platforms for providing bidding facilities, it is the most natural way of determining the price of a commodity in a free market economy.
But still i am confused that is bidding related to SEO?
Friends if you know more about the bidding then please feel free to share with me ...pleasure is all mine!

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