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Old 07-09-2015, 06:23 AM
AditiArora AditiArora is offline
Junior SEO
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 123
Default The Google Play Music App Has Been Wiping Downloaded

Google Play Music app is disappearing every time you turn your phone off or reboot it, good news: Google knows that (now). And if you are experiencing that problem, I bet I can guess a feature of your smartphone: it has a microSD slot. And you probably have microSD storage enabled in the Play Music app.We heard from one reader who actually talked with Google Play support about this bug and initially got an extremely unsettling answer. Fortunately, that answer turned out to be wrong. For the sake of not confusing anyone by putting the full wrong statement in the post, allow me to summarize. A Google Play rep told this person that Play Music deleting cached or downloaded music on the microSD card every time it was unmounted or "unplugged" from the phone was a copyright protection feature. (Note: even the first part wasn't right - it also did it if the phone was rebooted or powered off).
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